Sunday Morning Coffee #3

It is always wonderful, when, even in the midst of swirling chaos, you can escape to your studio and make art.

On this weekend of Thanksgiving, I am thankful for that.

I’ve long been fascinated by the concept of Dog Tags – wearing your identity or at least some part of it right there on your chest.

So, I ordered some aluminum dog tags to fool around with, and since they won’t get here for a bit, I made some of my own.

I often define myself in terms of my love of animals. One of my cats just had a major dental event and cancer scare to go with it, and seeing her scared and in pain brought home once more how much I adore these critters. (Pretty sure she is ok now and that is one more thing for which I am extremely thankful).

Love was on my mind, and these tags made themselves. They are currently at the gallery and are priced at $48. If you want one, let me know.

I love riveting, especially using my riveting tool. You may remember when I told you about it back in March . . .

Riveting System

Defining Yourself . . .

I recently found a blog, Hyperbole and a Half, by an amazingly creative person named Allie. She is a cartoonist with a very strange sense of humor and delivery. Some of you will find her very funny – if you appreciate an absurd take on life events. If you don’t, that’s ok too. What looks like a yellow sharks’ fin on her head is actually a ponytail.

In the link below, I will send you to one of my favorite stories about Allie making a move with her dogs. If you like that, you will find a lot of entertainment there.

I found Allie’s statement on her About page challenging and fun. Here it is . . .

If I had to explain myself in six words, those words would be “heroic, caring, alert and flammable.”  That’s only four words.  Oh well, I guess I should have thought of that before I started writing.  Too late now.

Can you describe yourself in four words that are not the usual ones? I am working on it. I have squishy as one of mine, and I am not thinking physically. Maybe vibrant as well. Certainly not sparkly or wispy.

What would your words be? It might be fun to create dog tags for them, and wear them on a necklace! Then, if found, people would know who you really are.

Here’s the link to Allie’s Blog:

Dogs Don’t Understand Basic Concepts Like Moving

Talk to Me!!! Don’t Make Me Beg!

When we get together for our Sunday coffee, we should pretend we are really at a get together – and chat! Last week, almost 800 readers at our gathering and only ONE person had anything to add?! (Thank you, Jane!)

We have talked about this before. If you enjoy reading a blog or the info shared, stick your two cents in. It makes the writer feel like the whole dang thing is worth it and they shouldn’t go open a hot dog stand instead.

When nobody says anything, I am not sure whether I am saying anything, and it does make me feel a bit wispy, actually. Just sayin.

The Almighty Pitt Artist Pens . . .

You know I love these, so I don’t have to say it again. They are moisture proof, they don’t bleed through paper, and they write on anything.

In my workshops, we use them to put in the “good” lines in our drawings once we find them. And, as you know, it takes practice to l;earn to make a good ink line – especially because you are spooked by its PERMANENCE. What if you make a mistake?!?

Well, this artist will amaze you.

Chan Hwee Chong is a Singapore based art director and designer who created this advertising for Faber-Castell (be sure to watch the video clip).

Spiral Portraits

Reheating Pizza . . .

LOVE this tip. I love pizza and we have an awesome, New York style pizza place right in our village. The pizzas are great and they are huge and there is always some left, and it is never awesome when reheated.

So check out this tip:

Reheating Pizza

I love this guy’s blog anyway. Find his recipe for no fail Onion Rings.

OK – this is not a diet post.

Can you say Flip-Flop?

Or, why I might describe myself as squishy.

Yes, I am still wearing my flip-flops, because it hasn’t snowed. No shoes until snow gets higher than my flip-flop soles, and then only for going outside.

But that is not the kind of flip-flopping I am talking about.

They say it’s a woman’s prerogative to change her mind. How many times, I wonder?

We have done it again. Last Monday, we were innocently walking through the courtyard of our market center, and we fell right down on the ground (figuratively). They had knocked out most of the wall of the “best space in the center” and replaced it with glass. OMG, the space was glowing – and was calling to us!!

“You MUST try me,” it said.

And so, we are moving the gallery and the consignment furniture/decor business in together in the new space. And we are adding a wild bird emporium, called It’s for the Birds – like a baby Wild Birds Unlimited. People out here love birds, and our gallery is already very bird-y, so it’s a “natural”, so to speak.

More about all this later.

Have a wonderful Sunday, and be filled with gratitude – even after this weekend is over.

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