You Can’t Do Anything About It . . .
It is that time of year again. Time for a season change and putting the garden to rest for the Winter. But always in October, there are still a couple of weeks when things still…
12 Days of Christmas Sale!
Every December, I have a BIG SALE for my blog Subscribers. Usually, that is a 20/20 Sheer Heaven Sale, but alas, I cannot do that this year. For the first time, our conversion mill must…
What a heart breaking loss . . .
Although my graphics firm did marketing materials for Apple Computer way back in the 80’s, I never actually met Steve Jobs. Yet the intensity of my grief at his passing feels like the loss of…
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A Month in the Life… Back on Track
An enhanced ability to visualize and empathize, and hyper-sensitivity are the blessings and the bane of the artistic personality. I have never had children of my own, so I really can’t imagine the hell that the families in Newtown are going through, but when Mark…
A Month in the Life… Zippers and iPads
Zipper Jewelry I promised to show you some details from the gallery and I have not had a chance to take those photos, so I will start here by showing you one of our best sellers. These are NOT as displayed in the gallery –…