Good morning, everyone. I want you to know it is not my intention to only blog on Sundays, just that I plan to do this kind of post on Sundays. Hopefully, I can get back to a more frequent schedule for the rest of the days of the week..
My usually busy life has been much more nuts than usual. Mark and I finally decided not to move the retail businesses to a more expensive space. That means he has to close down the consignment store by the end of the month.
We have had to to a lot of talking and meeting and emailing and I don’t know where the days disappear to.
But at night, I am am still curling up with the iPad, so I do have some good things to share.
First, a trip down memory lane . . . how many of you remember this . . .
If you remember that this was the graphic for the Cre8it website back in 2005, you have a very good memory. The website was changed in 2006 to the peel-off slideshow version (photos peeled off in translucent sheets). And the next change did not happen until this year – the version with the bulletin board effect. If you haven’t visited the site lately, take a look . . .
I like the clean new look. In webdesign-eze, it is called a gallery style, because you can see the overview of what is on the site from one page.
What am I doing wallowing around in old files, you might wonder? Trying to figure out a way to republish a lot of the content that is now lost in archives, as new ebooks. There is so much good stuff back there!! I thought that updating and adding new content might be interesting. I will keep you posted.
Handwritten Fonts
I LOVE handwritten fonts, and often get email asking for the identity of those I have used here and there. I am always collecting.
I ran across this blog post which I thought you would find very valuable. The poster lists 25 of his Favorite Handwritten Fonts, with samples and the sources for downloading them. Most are free.
Frank Lloyd Wright . . .
was another one of those Steve Jobs types – very hard to get along with, but a game changer nobody will ever forget. He ran two architecture apprenticeship “schools” called Taliesin, and Taliesin West (I have visited this one and it is fascinating). If you were lucky enough to get accepted, there was some very challenging stuff ahead for you – quickly making yourself a shelter to live in while you were there, for a starter.
Wright provided his apprentices with the following 10 “Fellowship Assets”, a manifesto of sorts:
1. An honest ego in a healthy body.
2. An eye to see nature
3. A heart to feel nature
4. Courage to follow nature
5. The sense of proportion (humor)
6. Appreciation of work as idea and idea as work
7. Fertility of imagination
8. Capacity for faith and rebellion
9. Disregard for commonplace (inorganic) elegance
10. Instinctive cooperation
Not only do I think a person could sit and think about these things all day, I also think he got just about everything in there for artists of any discipline. I certainly aspire to gain these attributes!
What do you think?
Google Street View . . .
Have you played with Google Street View? It is a feature of Google Maps with which you move a little cartoon man to a street on the map, and are then able to see a 360º view of that location.
The photos are taken by Street View cars (or tricycles or snowmobiles) which have been driving around the streets and pathways of the world since 2007 or so. Each vehicle is equipped with 9 directional cameras mounted at a height of about 8 feet, that collect a 360º view as the vehicle travels along.
The whole thing fascinates me, and I have even heard of folks offering virtual travel workshops where all the traveling is done via Google Street Views. There was a privacy snafu awhile back because a car in Miami caught a naked woman in her yard – although if she was stark naked in her front yard in broad daylight, who knows how much privacy she wanted!
Anyway, a fellow by the name of Aaron Hobson has chosen a collection of Google Street Views that are actually interesting and beautiful photographs in their own right. You will enjoy them – and perhaps be moved to hunt for a collection of your own.
And that should keep you entertained for awhile on this beautiful Sunday.
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