Because I use a waterbrush extensively in my journals, waterproof ink is imperative – even when writing larger blocks of text, because I often embellish by “highlighting” my writing with color, or add soft colored borders. Ink that smears when it gets wet is NOT a good thing if you want your writing to remain legible.
My permanent ink pens of choice are the Pitt pens as I have told you, but they make their colored pens only in the Brush tip so far. Also, when writing long passages, they do not flow over the paper with the ease of a ball pen.
So imagine how thrilled I was to find a waterproof gel pen that comes in colors! And two point sizes!
There are quite a few lines of “Vision” pens from UniBall, but this seems to be the only one boasting “water resistant” ink.
I found them at a paper store, but they are also carried by office supply stores and I found this 8 color pack at Amazon . . . has the set but at a higher price, but the advantage is that you can check whether your local store has them.
Of course, I had to test for the waterproof part . . .
I drew the flower in black and painted it in yellow tones. There may have been the tiniest hint of graying, but highlighting the purple writing with yellow watercolor did not seem to smear it at all, and the green writing had to take a lot of moisture as I fooled around with adding the leaves.
So, the long and the short of it . . .
If you do quite a bit of writing in your art journal and want the smooth flow of a gel pen without the worry of smearing, these pens are for you.
The package also says they won’t leak on airplanes. I never knew that was an issue, but I guess it must be.
The wonderful new Travel Journal Workshop starts tomorrow. There are 26 students so far and I am very excited because with that many (and lots of familiar names), I know the sharing will be half the fun and I love to see other people’s journal pages!!
That also means tomorrow is the last day for non-students to take advantage of the Special Student Paper Package of Sheer Heaven and Magic Matte 36lb. That special can be found below the workshop in the Shopping Cart.
WInners of the drawing for journals and paper will be announced in class.
13 thoughts on “More from the Journal Kit – Waterproof Uniball Pens”