You just never know what will brighten your day – and use up a big chunk of it too!
I was at the desktop computer, when my cat Angel, who was watching Cat TV right next to me, started chattering.
I looked up in time to see a bird land on my planting table (just outside the window), and tuck himself into a little cave made by my hose nozzle in its holster, and a plant that was awaiting transplant and some TLC.
The bird had a hard time folding its wings in and I thought it might be injured, so I started paying attention. He got settled in there and started chirping. Along came mother Robin with a tasty bug and fed it to him.
“OMG,” I said to Angel, “that’s a baby bird just learning to fly!”
“Yum”, she said.
“Off to the bedroom with you,” I said.
With both cats locked away, I ripped the screen off the window, opened it wide, grabbed the camera, and spent the next hour shooting this little sweetheart.
He could hear the shutter and would give me a look – wondering if I might bring him a bug, because Mom wasn’t bringing any more – regardless of how much chirping went on.
She wanted him to fly some more, so she was keeping herself – and the bugs – at a distance. And he would try – get all determined and ready to go . . .
And then chicken out, and sit there all disappointed with himself. We know that feeling, don’t we?
Or maybe, he was just thinking about bugs.
After more than an hour, and more than 100 photos, it was now or never – and away he went. I missed the shot, of course.
But I did see he and Mom hopping and flying around the garden, and having a great time. I discovered later that there were three little ones to look after, all hopping and flying and banging into things,etc.
Mom had a job! At one point, she showed the stress too. I never saw a bird with such ruffled feathers!
15 thoughts on “New to this world . . .”