It is that time of year again. Time for a season change and putting the garden to rest for the Winter. But always in October, there are still a couple of weeks when things still look great, and I can sit and enjoy everything a little while longer.
Then, I am luckier than most because I did build that Garden Room where I can enjoy some of the ambiance all Winter long.
So, on Saturday afternoon, after that last post and after a bunch of other work was done, I took a glass of wine and went out to sit on my swing. The plan was to think about which plants to take inside and when (besides the15 Hibiscus of course), and which to root cuttings from for next year – the usual gardener type stuff.
As soon as I sat down, it started to sprinkle a bit. I thought it odd because I had just checked the radar and there were no storms nearby.
The sprinkles became bigger and a couple of them made the dreaded ping noise of hail.
I started moving the Hibiscus containers under shelter and brought the Huskies in out of the yard.
What followed was a forty minute hail storm that pretty much wiped out the garden in one fell swoop, flooded everything and left about six inches of ice on the ground.
Of course, a sense of shock and sadness and loss ensued.
When I get upset about something, DH often remarks, “There’s nothing you can do about it.” That makes me madder still, of course, because I am a control freak who must fix everything, don’t you know.
But this time, when I heard the words, there was some comfort there.
Truly, there are things you just can’t do anything about, and there is a nice sense of relief in accepting that.
At least I was not going to have to make the decision about when to move things to the greenhouse! That would be now!
7 thoughts on “You Can’t Do Anything About It . . .”