Out to Lunch . . .

Because I don’t want you to think that anything bad happened to me, I need to let you know that I am taking a break.

I have seen some of my favorite bloggers do this, and I really never understood why until now.

Sunday morning, I sat down to devote my usual 2 hours to putting together an entertaining post – and nothing happened. I tried again that afternoon and nothing happened again.

Nothing is still happening.

I am temporarily out of blogging gas (hot air?).

I have been in my studio happily creating jewelry for three days, so my creative energy is not low. I feel fine. I think I am just at a place where I am re-evaluating the way I spend my time, and what I get out of it.

As I mentioned, my New Years resolution was to love every moment. Right now, I am loving making jewelry.

This hiatus may only last a day or two, or a week or two. I have no idea because it never happened before – in eleven years! I’ll be back as soon as I figure out what I want to be when I grow up.

Keep smiling . . .


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