Interesting how this workshop came about!
The first thing I did when I started art journaling back in 2006, was take a trip. My friend, Sue, and I went up to Salida Colorado for a three day week-end.
We rented a cabin with a nice big kitchen table for artwork, and spent half the time exploring and the other half journaling at the kitchen table.
i got that whole trip into that journal right then and there.
We all know I have taken a lot of trips since then – and I am still trying to repeat that feat. Or rather, I was.
On this last road trip, I failed again – instead coming home with armloads of photos and stuff and souvenir things and memories, and a timeline that I actually kept up with.
Once again, I will be doing this travel journal at home.
I do know a few people who take a trip and stop and sit on a rock and sketch things. I try that too. But then, a chipmunk comes up and begs to have his picture taken (he is not interested in sitting around while I sketch him!), or as I’m sitting there, I spot a trail sign to an old mine cabin or a waterfall, and off I go. And pretty soon, the day is over and it’s a choice of a great dinner and wine somewhere, or grabbing fast food and going to the motel to journal. Hauling ALL the supplies I bring up the stairs and into the room, and then staying up too late trying to get pages done.
So, it just “ain’t happening” like that for me, and I may as well face it.
My way of travel journaling is different. I have a lot of fun before I go anywhere (anticipation is a huge part of an adventure) looking places up, mapping routes, making maps, getting facts – imagining all the stops I’ll make.
And then I have a lot of fun while traveling – seeing things, collecting things, discovering things, taking pictures of things, having conversations with strangers, meandering far from the plans I made.
And then, I have a lot of fun when I get home – printing out my photos, putting pages together, making paintings from some of the pictures and rough sketches I did, following silly themes like the ongoing exhibits in my “Motel Art Gallery”. I am working in my studio with every art supply known to woman, I can interpret things however I want and take as much time as I want, and I am happy.
And I got to thinking that I bet most of you are like me, and you would really enjoy getting your past trips into journals, getting your future trips dreamed up on paper, and having great tricks for mining the essence of wherever you go.
So, I have made a workshop for just such things. It will run through the “vacation” time of the year, so it should intersect at least part of yours. And many folks can’t afford the travel and might enjoy reliving trips they have made in the past – with the souvenirs and photos rotting away in a shoebox (or digital shoebox somewhere.
You can enjoy this workshop without going anywhere by journaling a trip around your own town – or a day trip to a town nearby. You can use it for a road trip to many places, or a plane trip to one place where you will spend a week, or you can just pretend you are taking a trip. All of it is fun and all of it is the “Art of the Trip”.
At least for now, this is a guided, scheduled workshop so lots of sharing and inspiration can happen in our group classroom. Some day it may become a stand-alone workshop, but not for now.
Hopefully, before, around, or through your Summer vacation, you can join us on this learning journey.
There is also a SPECIAL PAPER deal that goes with this workshop which I will share tomorrow.
AND, three of the first 15 students to sign up will win prizes by random drawing.
The three prizes are:
A Moleskine Large Sketchbook in red (like the one in my kit).
A Strathmore Visual Journal in Smooth Bristol
A Journal Student Special pack of Sheer Heaven and Magic Matte 36lb for journal photos.
Here is the full workshop description and supply list (art journalers probably have all the supplies already).
17 thoughts on “A Great NEW Art Journaling Workshop”