About to Fly . . .

When I returned from some flower shopping yesterday and peeked at our nest, I saw this! What a miraculous moment. This baby suddenly has the instinct to perch precariously on a branch – away from the protection of the nest – and think about flying of all things!

I kept my distance while going about my gardening, but actually got to see him (her?) jump and flutter-fly to the ground. Mom and Dad were super vigilant. Little sibling watched carefully but is not quite ready for this brave stuff. Learning flying skills and how to hunt for food takes up to a week. Meanwhile, Mom and Dad still feed and teach – and the dogs stay OUT of the garden.

My courtyard is the perfect place to learn to fly – with lots of sheltered area and stuff to perch on. But I don’t think I’ll try it anytime soon!

Thank you so much for your amazing comments and insights in response to my last post.It lifted my spirits more than I can tell you.

To give back a little, I want to share some of my moments at Moonstone Beach in Cambria, California – my favorite beach.

And speaking of “ready to fly”, I had just switched from video on my iPhone to using my DSLR still camera when something startled all those Seagulls into flight. I took as many shots as I could, but if only I could have caught that motion and sound on video for you! Maybe you can imagine it . . .

Hope you are filling your Sunday with joyful things.



  1. Thank you for the Moonstone Beach video. I love to hear the ocean but get little chance to do so since I live in a land locked State.

  2. Thank you for the ocean waves. As always, it lifted my spirits and made me feel at home. Now if only I could feel the salt spray on my face and smell the wonderful aroma of the sea. Total peace…

  3. I love the sound of the ocean and watching the waves repeatedly come to shore. I’ve heard the birds take off in a mass group before some screeching and the wing flaps swooshing. I can imagine it here.

    So glad the comments made you feel better yesterday. Life’s a beach; it really is. Beautiful, comes and goes, soothes and excites and scares. I think that’s why people love them so much.

  4. I love hearing the waves. My favorite thing at the ocean is the air. It’s wonderful at seaside. It’s like the air is newborn and so renewing and easy to breathe.

  5. My gosh – I hope to meet some of you kindred souls in real life someday – perhaps on a beach! The online friends I have met so far have been even more amazing than I thought they were!

  6. I am so glad I’m on your email list. There’s always something interesting and wonderful. This was a real treat. So relaxing. Thank you!

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