It wasn’t easy to create this 115+ page digital magazine, but it was a lot easier than trying to set up a sales page on the new website to feature it. Sheeeesh!!!
I won’t go into the headaches – you don’t want to know. So, I will just tell you that rather than waiting another week before you can get your hands on this very lovely publication, I am just going to use the blog for now. Much more personal anyway.
This turned out much better than I thought it would – and much longer – and much cooler. I didn’t know exactly where I was going in the beginning and so Captured Moments sort of captured the moments and took me where it wanted to go – a very good place, as it turns out.
I wish I had not created this magazine, so I could enjoy it without knowing what was in it. That, I think, is a very big compliment. This is the best creative thing I have done.
The idea is that anyone who has ever felt a creative urge on any subject will enjoy having that enlivened, and those of us who are whirling dervishes of creative urges will enjoy settling down to enjoying and refining the journey.
There’s a little bit about everything lovely in this issue, and not too much about anything.
Here’s an inkling: I take you to the Pacific coast to meditate on crashing waves, and I teach you how to publish your own digital book in less than an hour. I give you photos to sketch from and offer lessons for those who are beginners in how to create simple, beautiful drawings. I give you inspirational posters for your wall and tell you how to make a perfect baked potato. We explore some tips for taking creative photographs with any camera, and we stare into the cosmic mandala of the center of a flower. How about some great shopping for unusual and very creative things, and wonderful folks to follow on Instagram. I teach you how to keep your Trader Joe’s Orchids blooming year round, how to correct your perspective . . . and I make you think.
Like I said, lots of pages, lots of stuff.
Here is a slide show of just a few spreads so you can get the feel. It runs too quickly to read – on purpose. I want you to buy this magazine ($10/issue) so I can keep making it – plain and simple. And if you like it, please spread the word by spreading the link to this blog post far and wide. And PLEASE send your feedback – by commenting here or emailing:
Some pages from Captured Moments, Volume One . . .
Here is where you can purchase the downloadable magazine from my site. It will be delivered upon checkout. Just copy-paste your 16 digit Order Code into the box, and wait about one minute (57 megabytes).
Read it on your computer or any mobile device. Have some treat while you do that – like tea or wine or morning coffee with a chocolate creamer. Anything that feels good.
Come Tuesday it’s MINE!
Holy Manatee!!!! This is fabulous!!! I will call you today. I also want to gift this to some folks, so we will figure that out. This should be a lot more than 10$!!!
Looks absolutely delicious! Will download and spread the word after taxes this week!
Jessica, I just finished reading the magazine! It is fabulous! I think that you have something for everyone and now that I have read it all I intend to go back and spend more time with the parts that appeal most to me. You’ve done a great job. Thank you so much!
Thank you, Dora – for your support and I am so glad you are enjoying it.
Absolutely beautiful. I am looking forward to a cup (or two) of tea, and a long afternoon browse through this wonderful magazine. I hope it is the first of many more to come!
Such great fun, Jessica! I enjoyed a quick look through, and am looking forward to exploring it more. Beautifully done.
Yippididi !!!!!!!! I am having so much fun! I went to Office Max and picked up a planner and I am having so much fun filling in the last two days. What a great way to keep track of events and make it into a coloring book!!! I’m sort of peeking ahead at the next chapter but want to open each one like an advent calendar, one day at a time, savoring each one. I already have six gals that I will be gifting this to. I will call you to see how I can do this most efficiently. What fun! You broke me out of my block.
I could not get the link to the group listed from the magazine to work. 🙁
I am so crappy at Facebook that I can’t figure out why it doesn’t work – but I will look further into it.
Wow.. this is quite the creation, truly prolific. Amazing that all of this is coming out of one person.