Thought for Tuesday #2

This is my kitten, Angel, who came to us in 2005 and is still a healthy and happy member of our family.

We rescued her at three weeks old. She was the sole survivor of a feral litter. A Coyote got Mom and everybody else, and this tiny girl was wandering around a friend’s property. We brought her home and fed her infant formula and love, and she thrived. She was so tiny, she fit in the plastic container from a package of CDs. She felt safe in there and loved to watch the birds from my office window – which is what she was doing here.

Here is your PDF link for a printable:



  1. Angel is adorable…..Thank goodness you found her when she was looking for you… hugs to you. Miss you bot love reading all you posts–You do soooo much—bet Energizer Bunny could take lessons fom you 🙂

  2. Oh my, how cute and I love the words you put here. Lol, I am cleaning and cooking as my son and a lady friend are coming to visit today. I have done certain things but if others don’t get done, oh well!

  3. Oh my…how precious! I bet she still is and probably enjoys watching the birds from your desk…just taking up a little more real estate! I’ve got a tortie too I call Precious and she loves being right in the middle of what I’m doing!

  4. Don’t you just feel your legs getting shaky when you look at that cutie pie!

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