Road Trip Fall 2019, Part 1
So, I ran away for a month. Away from home and work and social media. I got in the van with a good travel buddy and one of my dogs and headed off to Michigan for some Mom time. I… Continue Reading
So, I ran away for a month. Away from home and work and social media. I got in the van with a good travel buddy and one of my dogs and headed off to Michigan for some Mom time. I… Continue Reading
Hummingbirds fly south in the Fall, and most can tell when it’s time to go. However, sometimes one or more don’t get the message, and end up being around when the first freeze surprises everybody but the Weather Channel, and… Continue Reading
Yes, it is a record – I have never gone missing this long from my blog and social media. After enough caring emails about whether I am ok, I thought I should let you know I am indeed OK.
When I returned from some flower shopping yesterday and peeked at our nest, I saw this! What a miraculous moment. This baby suddenly has the instinct to perch precariously on a branch – away from the protection of the nest – and… Continue Reading
I am doing something today that I never do – sharing something very personal . . .
Here is the Saturday view into the garden from my office window. I checked the calendar. April 29! Are you kidding me? More than a foot of snow!
I love this plant, and as it turns out it loves me too!
A couple of days ago, I was having a sugar craving that made me want to grab my pop gun, and hunt down some Gummy Bears. OK – not that bad, but it was bad.
2016 has been a year of crazy – and that aspect is still going strong. It has been chock full of the good, bad, and the ugly, and I don’t like dwelling on the bad or ugly, so I will… Continue Reading
An interesting garden journal page usually begins in a garden. Doesn’t have to, but it usually does. Something stands out as interesting at the moment, and you think “hmmm . . .what will I do to translate this interesting thing… Continue Reading