The Things I Don’t Know . . .
I had a birthday in January. It was one of those that is too close to one of those that make you stop and consider what you are doing with your life . . .
I had a birthday in January. It was one of those that is too close to one of those that make you stop and consider what you are doing with your life . . .
I have become excited again about art-y magazines . . .
I have been speechless, my friends. Both meanings of that word apply: aghast – and without words. Every time I have opened WordPress to write a post, I have been so baffled by what to say, that I have said nothing.
Comments you leave on this blog are ALWAYS read, ALWAYS appreciated, and if a question is asked, I really want to answer it. The last post brought up a couple of things that need a response.
2016 has been a year of crazy – and that aspect is still going strong. It has been chock full of the good, bad, and the ugly, and I don’t like dwelling on the bad or ugly, so I will… Continue Reading
I feel as though I have been on a long journey – away from life as I know it!
I LOVE palettes and am always in search of the perfect palette solution (for me anyway). I work with watercolor at home in my greenhouse studio, and also when I am out traveling . . . even if I am going… Continue Reading
Been doing a lot of thinking about “style” lately. Everybody’s got one, but it has to be discovered. How does that happen?
Sometimes, things just surprise you! Sometimes, the least expensive art tools turn out to have secrets you can’t live without.
Funny, but the more you know, the more you know how much you don’t know. And I don’t know a whole lot.