Sketch-Tale #4 – My Faux Apple Tree
Sketchbook pages save memories of moments – sometimes a collection of moments that span many years and end up combining themselves into a new story . . .
Sketchbook pages save memories of moments – sometimes a collection of moments that span many years and end up combining themselves into a new story . . .
What in the world is a “gracious plenty”? You will learn that and a few other things in this post!
Sometimes, I actually do the things I suggest to you, and this one turned out to be really fun . . .
When I returned from some flower shopping yesterday and peeked at our nest, I saw this! What a miraculous moment. This baby suddenly has the instinct to perch precariously on a branch – away from the protection of the nest – and… Continue Reading
I am doing something today that I never do – sharing something very personal . . .
It wasn’t easy to create this 115+ page digital magazine, but it was a lot easier than trying to set up a sales page on the new website to feature it. Sheeeesh!!! I won’t go into the headaches – you don’t… Continue Reading
I have become excited again about art-y magazines . . .
I have jumped over some learning hurtles and have begun building a wonderful place for us to play.
Comments you leave on this blog are ALWAYS read, ALWAYS appreciated, and if a question is asked, I really want to answer it. The last post brought up a couple of things that need a response.
2016 has been a year of crazy – and that aspect is still going strong. It has been chock full of the good, bad, and the ugly, and I don’t like dwelling on the bad or ugly, so I will… Continue Reading